Speech Prosody Lectures | Syntagmatic prominence relations in prosodic focus marking

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Simon Roessig (University of York, UK)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
September 24th, 2024, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUE9pRbq9w0

This talk is about the role of prenuclear prominences and their relation to nuclear accents in German and English. The production results (German) that I will present show that the realization of the prenuclear domain depends on whether it is focal or prefocal. The prenuclear noun is characterized by larger F0 excursions, higher F0 maxima, and longer durations when it is in broad focus than when it precedes a narrow focus. Furthermore, the realization of the prenuclear domain depends on the following focus type: The prenuclear noun is produced with smaller F0 excursions, lower F0 maxima and shorter durations before a corrective focus than before a non-corrective narrow focus. The findings suggest that the phonetic manifestation of information structure is distributed over larger prosodic domains with an inverse relationship in the syntagmatic dimension. In addition, the study contributes further evidence that continuous phonetic detail is used to encode information structural categories. An important question that arises from the production data is whether this phonetic detail can be used by listeners in perception. I will present first results from a series of perception experiments (German and English) to investigate this question.


  1. I will begin by outlining what we know about focus prosody in the nuclear and prenuclear domains
  2. I will then present findings from a production study that examines the prosody of the prenuclear domain in different types of focus.
  3. These results show that there are interesting strength relations between prenuclear and nuclear prosody in the encoding of focus types.
  4. I will present preliminary findings from perception experiments investigating the question whether listeners use prenuclear prominence modulations in identifying focus types.
  5. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion of the results and future directions.
Speech Prosody Lectures | Predictive Modelling of Turn-taking in Spoken Conversation

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Gabriel Skantze (Professor in Speech Technology at KTH, Sweeden)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
15th May, 2024, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RuJVUaV9QQ

Conversational interfaces, in the form of voice assistants, smart speakers, and social robots are becoming ubiquitous. This development is partly fuelled by the recent developments in large language models. While this progress is very exciting, human-machine conversation is currently limited in many ways. In this talk, I will specifically address the modelling of conversational turn-taking. As current systems lack the sophisticated coordination mechanisms found in human-human interaction, they are often plagued by interruptions or sluggish responses. I will present our recent work on predictive modelling of turn-taking, which allows the system to not only react to turn-taking cues, but also predict upcoming turn-taking events and produce relevant cues to facilitate real-time coordination of spoken interaction. Through analysis of the model, we also learn about which cues are relevant to turn-taking, including prosody and filled pauses.


  1. Introduction to conversational systems and human-robot interaction
  2. Why turn-taking is problematic in current systems
  3. Voice Activity Projection: A predictive, data-driven model of turn-taking
  4. Analysis of the model (prosody and filled pauses)
  5. Towards better turn-taking in conversational systems
Speech Prosody Lectures | The speech synthesis phoneticians need is both realistic and controllable

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Zofia Malisz (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
17th April, 2024, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRnR9dI_EAo

In the last decade, data and machine learning-driven methods to speech synthesis have greatly improved its quality. So much so, that the realism achievable by current neural synthesisers can rival natural speech. However, modern neural synthesis methods have not yet transferred as tools for experimentation in the speech and language sciences. This is because modern systems still lack the ability to manipulate low-level acoustic characteristics of the signal such as e.g.: formant frequencies.

In this talk, I survey recent advances in speech synthesis and discuss their potential as experimental tools for phonetic research. I argue that speech scientists and speech engineers would benefit from working more with each other again: in particular, in the pursuit of prosodic and acoustic parameter control in neural speech synthesis. I showcase several approaches to fine synthesis control that I have implemented with colleagues: the WavebenderGAN and a system that mimicks the source-filter model of speech production. These systems allow to manipulate formant frequencies and other acoustic parameters with the same (or better) accuracy as e.g.: Praat but with a far superior signal quality.

Finally, I discuss ways to improve synthesis evaluation paradigms, so that not only industry but also speech science experimentation benchmarks are met. My hope is to inspire more students and researchers to take up these research challenges and explore the potential of working at the intersection of the speech technology and speech science.


  1. I discuss briefly the history of advancements in speech synthesis starting in the formant synthesis era and explain where the improvements came from.
  2. I show experiments that I have done that prove modern synthesis is processed not differently than natural speech by humans in a lexical decision task as evidence that the realism (“naturalness”) goal has been largely achieved.
  3. I explain how realism came at the expense of controllability. I show how controllability is an indispensable feature for speech synthesis to be adopted in phonetic experimentation. I survey the current state of research on controllability in speech engineering - concentrating on prosodic and formant control.
  4. I propose how we can fix this by explaining the work I have done with colleagues on several systems that feature both realism and control.
  5. I sketch a roadmap to improve synthesis tools for phonetics - by placing focus on benchmarking systems according to scientific criteria.
Speech Prosody Lectures | How to handle variability in the study of intonation

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Amalia Arvaniti (Radboud University, Netherlands)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
14th December, 2023, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GNY3VEeC78

This talk will give an overview of the issue of variability in intonation and present methodological approaches that render variability easier to handle. These methodologies are presented by means of a case study, the English pitch accents H* and L+H*, which are treated as distinct phonological entities in some accounts but as endpoints of a continuum in others. The research that will be presented sheds light on the reasons for the disagreement between analyses and the discrepancies between analyses and empirical evidence, by examining both production data from British English unscripted speech and perceptual data, which also link the processing of the two accents to the participants’ levels of empathy, musicality, and autistic-like traits.


  1. Intonation essentials
  2. Introducing the test case
  3. Production methods and results
  4. Conclusions
Speech Prosody Lectures | Segmental articulations and prosody

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Malin Svensson Lundmark (Lund University)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
23rd November, 2023, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHz1JC504eg

This lecture will be on an aspect of the articulatory-acoustics relationship that is rarely addressed but which is both stable and robust across places of articulation, tonal context and prominence levels, inter alia. It’s about acceleration and deceleration peaks of articulatory movements and how they coincide with specific acoustic segment landmarks. I will present findings on lips, tongue tip, tongue body and jaw movements, and present ideas on how to use these rapid movements to model articulatory prosody.


  1. Movement dynamics – acceleration peaks and jerks
  2. Findings on segmental articulations
  3. Findings on effects of tonal context, prominence, syllable articulations
  4. Towards a model
  5. “Segment_ART”: a low tech acoustic and articulatory analysis (if enough time)
Speech Prosody Lectures | Tackling prosodic phenomena at their roots

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Yi Xu (University College London)
Plínio Almeida Barbosa (IEL/University of Campinas, Brazil)
Organized by
Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG)
Live transmission date
25th October, 2023, at 1:00 PM (BRT, UTC-3)

Watch at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENteqgM8NEM

Rather than being a coherently whole, speech prosody consists of highly diverse phenomena that are best understood in terms of their communicative functions, together with specific mechanisms of articulatory encoding and perceptual decoding. The understanding of these root causes is therefore key to further advances in prosody research.