The coupled oscillators model of speech rhythm production

The coupled oscillators model of speech rhythm was developed by Plínio Barbosa. To be continued...

There will be a friendly introduction to the model here soon.

Speech rhythm simulator

Please provide a list of labels, separated by commas, using only Latin alphabet characters (a-z, A-Z). Each label should correspond to a marker in the syntax marker system. Note that the simulator is neutral and does not enforce any specific syntax marker system. The default markers refer to the ones used by Plínio Barbosa (2007) for Brazilian Portuguese.
Please provide a list of decimal numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, representing the conditional probabilities of assigning phrasal stress to a VV unit given a syntax marker. Each number in the list must correspond to a marker in the syntax markers list above, in the specified order.
Decimals are allowed.
From 0.0 to 1.0.
Mean and std. dev.
Units: VV units per stress group
Please provide the total number of VV units, including any non-lexically stressed unit at the end of the utterance.
Please provide a comma-separated list of integers representing the position of each lexically stressed VV unit in the utterance. The position of each lexically stressed unit must be relative to the previous one, except for the first, which is relative to the beginning of the utterance. For example, in the list "3, 5, 4", the first stressed unit is the third from the start of the utterance. The second is the eighth from the start but listed as 5 because it is the fifth unit from the previous stressed one. The third is the fourth unit from the previous one but the 12th from the beginning. Note that the amount of elements in the list corresponds to the number of lexically stressed VV units in the utterance. Thus, the list "3, 5, 2, 1, 3" specifies five lexically stressed units, while "1, 4, 2" only three.
Using the specified set of markers, please provide a comma-separated list indicating the marker associated with each lexically stressed VV unit. The size and order of this list must exactly match the list provided in the previous field.
Optionally, if you would like the orthographic transcription of each lexically stressed VV unit to appear in the graphical output, please provide a list of corresponding words here. Otherwise, leave this field blank. The number and order of the words must exactly match the list provided in the 'Position of each lexically stressed VV unit' field.
You must enter a list of integer numbers separated by commas. Each number represents the number of VV units in a stress group. For example, "4, 7, 5" means the utterance has three stress groups: the first with four VV units, the second with seven VV units, and the third with five VV units. Each stress group can have no more than 15 units, and the total number of VV units in the utterance must not exceed 50.
You must enter a list of decimal numbers separated by commas. Each number represents the magnitude of the phrasal stress of respectively each stress group specified in the field 'Number of VV units in each stress group'. Thus, both fields must match in number of elements.
From 0.0 to 1.0
From 0.0 to 1.2
From 0.15 to 0.50 seconds
From 0.0 to 1.0
From the first VV unit at the beginning of the utterance, number of VV units to which the decay term applies in each stress group.
Number of post-stressed VV units at the end of the utterance