The coupled oscillators model of speech rhythm production
There are three main publications on this model where you can find
more in-depth explanations:
Barbosa, P. A. (2007). From syntax to acoustic duration: A
dynamical model of speech rhythm production.
Speech Communication, 49(9), 725–742.
Barbosa, P. A. (2007). Análise e modelamento dinâmicos da
prosódia do português brasileiro.
Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 15(2), 75–96.
Barbosa, P. A. (2006).
Incursões em torno do ritmo da fala. Pontes, 540 pages.
This online Python-based computational implementation of the model
is by Gustavo C. P. Silveira.
The algorithm being used here is distributed under
GNU GPLv3 license and can be found
in the following Github repository:
The coupled oscillators model of speech rhythm was developed by Plínio Barbosa. To be continued...
There will be a friendly introduction to the model here soon.